اليوم ممل جدا
يوم جد ممل
لست أرى أشياء عديدة
أو شيئا أتحدث عنه
ثمة طاووس بحذائي
وعلى رأسي بطريق
ثمة سنجاب في بابي
سوف أعود إلى النوم.
اليوم ممل جدا
جد ممل وملل
ما من شيء أبدا
أفكر أن أفعله
أرى عملاقا يركب ثورا
وغولا في يده سيف
وتنينا ينفث دخانا
أشعر حقا بالملل.
اليوم ممل جدا
وأنا أتثاءب أتثاءب
هنالك صحن طائر
يهبط في وسط الحقل
وبركان ثار لتوه
لا يبعد أكثر من ميل
وأظن شعرت بزلزال
اليوم ممل جدا.
النص الأصلي:
Jack Prelutsky
Today is very boring
[b]Today is very boring,
it's a very boring day,
there is nothing much to look at,
there is nothing much to say,
there's a peacock on my sneakers,
there's a penguin on my head,
there's a dormouse on my doorstep,
I am going back to bed.
Today is very boring
it is boring through and through,
there is absolutely nothing,
that I think I want to do,
I see giants riding rhinos,
and an ogre with a sword,
there's a dragon blowing smoke rings,
I am positively bored.
Today is very boring,
I can hardly help but yawn,
there's a flying saucer landing,
in the middle of my lawn,
a volcano just erupted,
less than half a mile away,
and I think I felt an earthquake,
it's a very boring day.